What We Do

Performance Coaching

Often we work best in a one to one conversation and when looking at performance coaching we
can focus on a number of specific topics. This type of coaching is suited to those who wish to
improve their personal performance and also those who wish to maintain their current level of
success whilst challenging themselves to new heights.

Leadership Development

Leadership, Communication and productivity – get the best.

It’s said the higher up the business ladder you are the better at leadership you need to be yet, often, time takes over and we forget the basic leadership essentials and how to get the best out of our teams.

Using a number of exercises and techniques we can help you and your team to refocus and re position the leadership message. Whether it’s looking at Shackleton’s situation leadership or the theories of Belbin or how to work collaboratively through TKI we can help you create a leadership team to drive both strategy and growth within your organisation.

Key to success is excellent communication which is an enabler to increased productivity and a committed and contented team.

Business Transformation

Working with your team will will look at ways to improve the customer experience using our
‘Customer Eye’ concept thus ensuring you see an ‘external view’ within your internal location
focussing on how you are viewed and perceived. It’s often the smallest changes which have the
biggest impact on both service and profitability.

People Change

We are who we are.  Understanding our personality traits.

Using MBTI – Myers Briggs Type Indicator we will help you to complete the online questionnaire which enables you to see what your own personal traits are and how, in turn, you can adapt and connect with those who have different preferences from you.

MBTI IS a great way to engage and get to know your teams better either in house or off-site and looks at many areas of focus including communication, leadership and decision making. Following up from the group sessions we can help you and your team to create personal development plans to make the best of who THEY are.

Event Facilitation & Design

Key to the success of any event is the structure and the ability to make the message memorable. We can help you to find an appropriate theme for your event or conference and whether you are hosting at Edinburgh Castle or in your corporate office we will make it a day to remember.

In preparation we will help to design the look and feel of the presentations and coach each speaker to ensure a high level of engagement with the audience.

We can facilitate the day for you ensuring you keep to time and on message, We also support the completion of any actions from breakout sessions and strategic planning activities. 

Graduate Development

Taking the next step

After a period of study at college or university it’s often a daunting prospect to enter the world of work and to get on the career ladder.

As part of our graduate development programme we can help you to structure presentations in a clear and concise manner, rehearse your content with feedback and ensure that you are prepared for that all important interview by looking at questioning techniques and the best ways to frame your answers. By focussing on your CV and your brand we can help you to achieve success.